The relationship with the earth evolves from project to project, renewing itself with each of the great events we bring to the stage.
The emotional impact created by machines and machinations, aerial dance, dramatization, words, bodies, music, images and fantastic devices, lingers to leave a deep and lasting impression.



Closer to the stars

Festa veneziana sull’acqua – tutta colpa della luna

Concertazione per elementi

120 machinists, 120 dancers, 340 operators, 52 sound operators, 45 make-up artists 

120 machinists, 120 dancers, 340 operators, 52 sound operators, 45 make-up artists 

120 machinists, 120 dancers, 340 operators, 52 sound operators, 45 make-up artists 

4.500 headlights, 80 tower crane, 120 machinists, 120 dancers, 340 operators, 45 make-up artists 

4.500 headlights, 80 tower crane, 120 machinists, 120 dancers, 340 operators, 45 make-up artists 

4.500 headlights, 80 tower crane, 120 machinists, 120 dancers, 340 operators, 45 make-up artists